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null [ARC] How to enter an FO line for reissues
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[ARC] How to enter an FO line for reissues


You need to enter an Original/Issued in exchange for (FO) line when you reissue paper documents, such as MCOs, EMDs, and e-tickets.
For electronic documents, you need to check the status of the coupons. Only coupon status O (open for use) and A (airport control) allow the reissue of the e-ticket or EMD.

  • To display an e-ticket, use the TWD entry. Enter, for example:

  • To display an EMD, use the EWD entry. Enter, for example:

    Example: TWD with open coupons status (O) that allow a reissue

    TKT-2571234567890        RCI-                     1A  LOC-4KKW7W
     OD-BRUBRU  SI-      FCPI-1   POI-BRU  DOI-28OCT24  IOI-00222222
       1.SMITH/JACK                CHD            ST
     1 OBRU OS 352   B 19JAN0950 OK BETFLXE0/CH25 O        19JAN 1PC
     2 XVIE OS 831   B 19JAN1235 OK BETFLXE0/CH25 O        19JAN 1PC
     3 OLCA OS 832   B 27JAN1725 OK BETFLXE0/CH25 O        19JAN 1PC
     4 XVIE OS 351   B 28JAN0720 OK BETFLXE0/CH25 O        19JAN 1PC

    Example: TWD with exchanged coupons status (E) that do not allow a reissue

    TKT-1250987654321        RCI-                     1A  LOC-2N2TET
     OD-BRUBRU  SI-      FCPI-1   POI-BRU  DOI-16OCT24  IOI-00222222
       1.SMITH/JOHN MR             ADT            ST
     1 OBRU BA 397   Q 29JAN1425 OK QOV2HMR       E        05FEB 1PC
     2 OLHR BA 392   Q 05FEB0835 OK QOV2HMR       E        05FEB 1PC

In ARC markets, the FO line is the key element in the reissue process. With an additional collection, a residual value, penalty or any other specific option, you can determine how the reissue will be processed, and which documents will be issued.

If you reissue a ticket in exchange for the previous ticket, you can create the FO line automatically from the existing FA/FHE line.

  • To create the FO line automatically from an FA/FHE line for a reissue with no additional collection (even exchange) and no penalty fee, enter, for example:

For any reissue in exchange for the previous ticket, use the FO*Lx entry to create the basic FO entry and add any additional information at the end of the automated FO line.

Additional information can include:

Entry Description
*B4500.00/X421.30 Old base fare and tax total (additional collection)
/C200.00 Penalty fee

Residual value issued as an MCO


Residual value issued as an MCO (no Netting)

The following entries will create manual FO lines for different reissue scenarios:

  • FO line with no additional collection:

    Entry Description

    FO = FO line transaction code
    172-9876543210 = Document number
    E1 = E-ticket coupon code, followed by the coupon number
    HOU = City where the e-ticket was issued
    21JUL24 = Date when the e-ticket was issued (DDMMMYY)


    Slash, office ID IATA number where the e-ticket was issued

  • Infant FO line with no additional collection:

  • FO line with an additional collection:

    The old base fare and tax total are compared to the new ticket. Any residual value will be refunded on the passenger's credit card if the previous ticket was paid by credit card or refunded to the travel agency if paid in cash.

    Entry Description

    Original base fare code (*B) followed by the amount


    Original tax total code (/X) followed by the amount

  • FO line with a penalty fee of USD200:

  • FO line with exchange conjunction tickets:

  • FO line with the residual value issued as an MCO and USD100 penalty fee:

    The *RV option deducts the penalty amount from the residual value and creates an MCO for future transportation for the remaining residual value (Netting).

  • FO line with the residual value issued as an MCO and USD100 penalty fee:

    The *RV/NONET option creates the residual value MCO for future transportation. The penalty amount is charged separately (no Netting).

  • FO line with multiple exchange documents and additional collection:

    Note: You must enter the paper document number before the electronic document number. The paper coupon indicator is C, followed by the number (C1). The electronic coupon indicator is E, followed by the number (E1).
    If you want to use several e-tickets for the exchange, enter the total of all e-tickets base fares and taxes in the *B and /X elements. Only 1 e-ticket can be entered in the FO line, for example: *B7550.00/X855.00.
  • FO line for a second reissue with or without additional collection: